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Valley Link EIR

MMRP and Findings of Fact & SOC

Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP)

Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations (SOC)


Final EIR - April 30, 2021

Final EIR

Final EIR - Revised Appendix L


Draft EIR - December 2, 2020

Cover Page/Title Page/Table of Contents

Section 3.1 Aesthetics

Section 3.2 Agricultural Resources

Section 3.3 Air Quality

Section 3.4 Biological Resources

Section 3.5 Cultural Resources

Section 3.6 Energy

Section 3.7 Geology and Soils

Section 3.8 Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Section 3.9 HazMat

Section 3.10 Hydro

Section 3.11 Land Use

Section 3.12 Noise

Section 3.13 Population and Housing

Section 3.14 Public Services

Section 3.15 Recreation

Section 3.16 Safety and Security

Section 3.17 Transportation

Section 3.18 Utilities

Draft EIR – Appendices


Appendix A. Scoping Report

Appendix B. Environmental Footprint

Appendix C. Preliminary Right of Way Requirements

Appendix D. Utilities

Appendix E. Valley Link 15% Preliminary Engineering Plans

Appendix F. Valley Link Ridership Technical Memorandum - Revised

Appendix G. Preliminary Cost Estimates

Appendix H. Public and Agency Coordination

Appendix I. Regional Plans and Local General Plans

Appendix J. Supporting Aesthetics Information

Appendix K. Supporting Agricultural Resources Information

Appendix L. Air Quality, Greenhouse Gas, and Health Risk Assessment Supporting Documentation

Appendix M. Supporting Biological Resources Information

Appendix N. Supporting Geology, Soils, Seismicity, and Paleontological Information

Appendix O. Historical Resources Inventory and Evaluation Report

Appendix P. Supporting Hydrology and Water Quality Information

Appendix Q. Summary of I-580 Modifications

Appendix R. Supporting Noise Information



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